Teaching Experience

In India
  • Organisation and presentations of departmental seminars and symposia.
  • Postgraduate teaching including SHO hands on training, both in outpatient clinics and in the operating theatre.
  • Teaching undergraduate medical, physiotherapy and nursing students.
In U.K.
  • Active participation in weekly postgraduate teaching sessions with regular presentations.
  • Didactic tutorials and assessment for undergraduate medical students.
  • Teaching in outpatient clinics and preoperative assessment clinics to medical students attached to the firm.
  • Faculty (Orthopaedic) on The Basic Surgical Skills Course at Chesterfield, May 2003
Extra Curricular Activities
  • Himalayan Trek to Kulu Manali Organised by Youth Hostel Association of India in June, 1989.
  • Member of 2nd Prize winning team at the Bombay Medical Congress in January 1987. (Topic: Geriatric Medicine).
  • Member of 1st Prize winning K.E.M. Hospital Quiz Team at Western India Regional Orthopaedic Conference in November 1992
Career AIMS/Interests
My special interests in Orthopaedics are COMPLEX PRIMARY & REVISION HIP and KNEE JOINT REPLACEMENTS. The use of computer navigation to fine tune the results of knee replacement surgery is also an ongoing agenda. Training in the U.K.has helped me develop these interests further. My fellowship and senior registrar posts offered me extensive experience in the same with my Consultant and Sr Registrar posts giving me a chance to do up to 5-6 joint replacements per week.
I envisage myself taking up a Consultant post in Mumbai focusing on my subspecialty interests of lower limb joint replacements and complex trauma stabilisations. I have a special interest in revision joint replacement and the necessary training to develop it further, given the right infrastructure and opportunities.